Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Are online matrimony sites trustworthy ?

In recent years, there has been a tremendous increase shown in online matrimonial sites. Many sites are now available as well as number of users are also increased. As per one research, the market of online matrimonial has reached up to 510 crore and it is increasing at the rate of 30%. It shows that people are now using matrimonial sites in search of good partner and that’s why 4 crore profiles are already registered on web sites and 22 lakh profiles have been uploading every month. It is the easy way to search partner for life long and you don’t have to go anywhere, in search of a partner. On the other hand, many types of risks are also attached with it

Online Matchmaking

Users of matrimonial sites fully disclose sensitive personal information to make a match. Initially in the matching process their profiles remain anonymous, but as the selection narrows down, the level of disclosure increases as the parties interact on the site. Personal information includes a person’s name, email address, sex, age, mailing address, credit card or debit card details medical records and history , photograph, sexual orientation, bio metric information, interests, information tracked while navigation, horoscope and occupation. If other services linked to the sites such as chats are used, the contents of these chats may also be recorded. Interestingly, some sites also allow users to submit public and private information on behalf of others like child, relative, and friends without their explicit consent.

Let me throw some light on the use of online matrimonial sites:

Why Matrimonial sites are so popular?

  • Matrimonial sites are very useful because you do not have to be messed up in long distance processes, as involved in the past to search partner. Family, relatives, friends and now matrimonial site become a helping centre for marriage.

  • You can upload your profile on site and can get the benefit of mass users of it. Now the scope to find partner becomes too wide as people from anywhere can upload as well as see profile of any one.

  • As many choices are available because of matrimonial sites, you can easily select him or her by comparing profiles and matrimonial sites are also helping in sort out profiles which are matching with your profile.

  • Some of Online matrimonial sites are also organizing physical counseling centers. So that registered users can meet each other at that place and if anybody wants to register his or her profile they also can do the same.

  • The biggest advantage is that, online matrimonial sites are free of cost and you only have to pay charges if you demand some special requirements. So, easy to access, easy to search, easy to match and easy to get.

  • As times have changed, people living away from their particular community is increasing. In such situation, the only way of reaching to their community left is online matrimonial site. In many cases, people have lost contact with their community and find it difficult to find a partner, then matrimonial sites comes into practice.

  • Girls are getting more educated and there are cases in some communities that guys are not that educated.

  • In some places such as Rajasthan and Haryana, count of number of girls have reduced drastically, so they have to reach out to find a girl.

  • NRI are in a hurry to get married in limited period of time, when they come to India, they can get registered and paid services to get the verification done, so matrimonial sites are very useful in such cases.

  • In corporate companies, people miss out time of marriage in meeting requirements of life, so when the desire to get married arise, only option left for them is matrimonial sites.

Threats of Matrimonial sites

  • As online matrimonial sites have many benefits and crores of profiles are available on it, even though it is not reliable and trustworthy because of many fraud cases describe by victims.

  • In past few years, crime rates through matrimonial sites have increased drastically. Especially in cities such as Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, where corporate companies and cultures have increased.

  • Only 10% users can do marriage by online matrimonial sites. It means the success ratio is very low in compare to registered users.

  • Because of many fraud cases, many women empowerment committees have done complains to “woman and child empowerment ministry of India” and suggested to make strict rules against this type fraud and online matrimonial site owner have also punished, if they found guilty in such cases.

  • There are higher chances that any person uploads wrong information through a profile. So, here we cannot be sure about it and sites are providing nothing to check that the profile is correct or not.

  • Matrimonial sites are not responsible for any future event. So, the user becomes helpless if he or she becomes victim of any fraud. This type of statement itself says that sites are not so trustworthy, you have to use it by your own risk.

Beware of Online Fraudsters

How to avoid being fool on matrimonial sites?

  • There is an option for paid trusted verification of site. In this option, if you pay to the site, then everything related to your university degree, your home, your job and salary is verified by the site owner. Same way, you should reach out to only those people who have opted for this site.

  • Even if the person, whom you find appropriate has not opted for the trusted option, you can pay and get his or her details verified.

  • The most important thing is being alert. Just don’t go crazy after anyone.

  • Never disclose your financial details with anyone, whom you meet on this sites.

  • Never get involved in financial transaction in name of help or emotional black mailing.

  • If you are finding some 'NRI' guy or girl suitable then go for verification of all certificates and check for marital details.

  • Never put yourself in any compromising situation so that the person can blackmail you.

  • Always meet at public place or in presence of family.

It is not just finding the right guy or girl, but in today's time, it is saving yourself from any emotional break up. It is like, better be alert then to be put in some disastrous situation. Always think in terms of money, human trafficking and dowry area before going for any approvals. Most importantly, take time. Now its not the time for “chat mangni, pat shaadi”. Have an approach of wait and watch. What would he or she do if you don’t pay money?

I personally believe users of some of the Indian matrimonial sites face the risk of unconsented use of their sensitive personal information. When, I read the privacy polices of these sites, it felt quite apparent that there was a genuine lack of understanding as to what was needed to protect the privacy of the sites users. I would advise all users to first read the Privacy Policies of these sites to select a suitable one to use and to ensure the deletion of personal data when the matchmaking process is finished.

I would advise all users to first read the Privacy Policies of these matrimony sites to select a suitable one to use and ensure the deletion of personal data when the matchmaking process is finished.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Drinking Warm Or Cold Water? The Differences

Water gives us life and we all know how good it feels to quench our thirst with a nice tall glass of cool water. But is cool water always the best option? Or maybe there are occasions where we should opt for warm water?

Hot Water Vs Cold Water

Some experts speculate on what the best water temperature is to achieve optimal hydration. After all, our internal body temperature is 37.0 °C (98.6 °F) which is vastly different from that of a glass of cool water.

Ancient medicine systems such as Ayurveda, which originated in India more than 3,000 years ago and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) both highlight the importance of temperature and its effects on the body. So it seems that there are certain occasions where warm water is more appropriate than cold!

Whether cold or warm water – the most important thing is to stay hydrated and listen to your body. Our bodies have their own innate intelligence and often tell us what we need to know. When you’re working out or the weather is hot outside, you’ll likely crave ice water. But when you’re sick with a cold you will be more inclined to want hot water. It’s still good to know the science behind the best times for cold vs. warm water!

Best Times to Drink Cold Water


During exercise the core body temperature becomes elevated. Sweating is one mechanism that our bodies use to cool down, but we lose a lot of water and electrolytes which need to be replenished. Sipping on cold water during a workout both rehydrates the body of lost water and helps to cool down the core body temperature. A study done in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition compared room temperature water and cold water during workouts. Researchers found participants who consumed cold water were able to keep their core temperature down 50% longer than the group consuming room temperature water.


Drinking cold water when you have a fever is one method of cooling the body down. It’s important to keep super hydrated when you have a fever because you’re body is working hard to get rid of whatever foreign invaders may be causing you harm. When you’re overheated, drinking cold water can be a huge relief. Try squeezing some fresh lemon and adding a pinch of sea salt to help replenish lost electrolytes.

Weight Loss

Drinking cold water has been to shown to boost metabolism and help burn an additional 70 calories per day. Though it’s no miracle obesity cure, it does add up over time. When you consider that a person of average weight (70 kgs) burns 70 calories going for a 15 minute walk, ice water starts to sound like a pretty simple and effective way to burn extra calories when you’re trying to lose weight.

Cold Water vs Hot Water

Best Times to Drink Warm or Hot Water


Ever wonder why most people consume a hot beverage upon rising? Yes caffeine has something to do with it, but that’s not the only reason. Ayurvedic medicine states that drinking warm water in the morning helps to stimulate digestion. Drinking cold water with a meal can have adverse effects on the digestive process. It requires more energy from the body to warm up cool liquids and foods, thus taking a longer time to digest and assimilate. Good to know for those of us suffering from digestive distress!


When it comes to cleansing the body of impurities, consuming adequate amounts of water is of paramount importance. Drinking room temperature water with a squeeze of lemon is recommeded. This requires the least amount of energy for your body to assimilate. The lemon also helps to stimulate digestion and flush toxins. During a detox you may want to add some cleansing additions to your water. Try adding some cucumber slices and fresh mint or slices of apple and a cinnamon stick. Not only will you find keeping hydrated more enjoyable, you’ll also be receiving the cleansing benefits these foods have to offer.

Pain Relief

Warm or hot water is better to consume if you are dealing with a headache or inflammation. Because warm water helps stimulate blood flow to the tissues it’s an excellent remedy for treating menstrual cramps.


Drinking warm water when you’re constipated can help to move things along. The main cause of constipation is dehydration, so it’s essential to consume extra amounts of liquids. Warm water helps to stimulate blood flow and has a more soothing effect in the intestines than cold water.

Health Advisory : This content is for informational purposes only, and the content herein should not be mistaken for professional health advice. If you have a medical problem you should seek advice from a doctor and other health care professional.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Saving Water : A Social Awareness Initiative

Three things one can’t live without are Oxygen, Water and Food. No one can live without Water. But do you know how precious is water and how much pure water we have in world.

Save Water Save Earth

If 10 years ago someone had given suggestion to sell the pure water, I’m sure people made good joke or laughed a lot on him. But nowadays mineral or purified water is billion dollar industry. People are ready to spend 20 rupees for water bottle, because we know it’s not easy to get pure or clean water.

One thing is sure; in future we are going to get shortage of clean water. In India you can see water shortage in every state, whether it’s capital of India, Delhi or a village of Bihar. People can’t get clean water easily.

Here are some water facts to remember:

  • Less than 1% of the earth’s water is suitable for drinking

  • More than a billion people around the globe survive on just over 1 gallon (4 liters) of water per day

  • Potentially more than 3 billion people may suffer from water shortages by the year 2025

  • 66% of the human body is water

  • A person can only live without water for approximately one week

How to save water without changing your lifestyle

The average household consumes approximately 240lt of water per person per day. That means that for a household with four people in it, 960lt of water is used every day which equates to 350’400lt per year!

How is this usage broken down? Would you believe that only 3% of your total water consumed is used for drinking and cooking? The rest is used for the garden (35%), toilet flushing (29%), bathing/ showering (20%) and for laundry (13%). If we covert these percentages to volumes, the average home uses 122’640lt per year to water the garden,101’616lt to flush your toilet,70’080lt to keep ourselves clean and 45’552lt to keep our clothes clean! The other 10’512lt per year is used for drinking and cooking.

Water Rhapsody look to match water quality with application. Municipal water for drinking (for now anyway but this could change), rainwater for showering, toilet flushing and laundry and lastly, grey water for garden irrigation. A combination of all of our systems can save you up to 90% on your water bills!

Save water chart

Saving Water at the Sink

Turn off the water while you brush your teeth. You’ve heard this standard water-saving strategy before but it never hurts to be reminded.

  1. Turn off the water while you wash your hands.

  2. To wash your hands effectively and use less water, fill the palm of one hand with water and turn off the water.

  3. Add soap and lather well.

  4. Turn on water and rinse quickly.

  5. Running water for the recommended fifteen seconds uses approximately 41.69 ounces of water on average (assuming the water is only on for fifteen seconds).

  6. Turning off the water while you lather uses 11.26 ounces of water on average. By allowing the water to run while you wash your hands you waste more than three times the water than if you turn off the water while you wash your hands.

Save Water on the Toilet

  1. Consider purchasing a low flush toilet or converting a standard toilet to low flush.

  2. Or use the following saving rule in your bathroom: "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush it down!" While this strategy is repellent to many, it is a safe, water-saving alternative that is practiced in many countries.

Save Water in the Shower

  1. Install a low-flow shower head and always keep your showers as short as possible.

  2. If you take a bath do not fill the tub up any higher than necessary. Consider saving the water for your plants.

Rainwater harvesting

Ground water resource gets naturally recharged through percolation. But due to indiscriminate development and rapid urbanization, exposed surface for soil has been reduced drastically with resultant reduction in percolation of rainwater, thereby depleting ground water resource.

Rain water harvesting system

Rainwater harvesting is the process of augmenting the natural filtration of rainwater in to the underground formation by some artificial methods. "Conscious collection and storage of rainwater to cater to demands of water, for drinking, domestic purpose & irrigation".

Broadly there are two ways of harvesting rainwater:

1)  Surface runoff harvesting
2) Roof top rainwater harvesting

If you harvest your rainwater, your water savings are even bigger as the water you harvest is used for bathing, showering, laundry and toilet flushing. Rainfall is seasonal, but for the rainy months, you could be self-sufficient in terms of water supply.

  1. Use your washing machine only when it is filled to its total capacity. You can save about 4500 liters per month in this process. Besides saving water, this method is also helpful to save electricity.

  2. Avoid using a shower for bathing. Try using a bucket instead. This will help you save about 150-200 liters every day.
    Turn off the tap while brushing and save more than 200 liters of water every month.

  3. Use sprinklers to water the plants provided you have a large garden.

  4. Ensure that your home has no leakages. Also check whether all water bottles are closed properly.

  5. Lastly, spread awareness regarding water conservation.

Other ways to save water

More ways of Saving water

  • Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with wasted flows of water. Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings.

  • Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.

  • Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 1,000 gallons a month.

  • Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save gallons every time.

  • Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful.

  • Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks.

  • Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.

  • Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.

  • Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture and saves water, time and money.

  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save water every time.

  • Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.

  • Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you'll save up to 150 gallons per month.

  • Collect water from your roof to water your garden.

  • When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.

  • Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.

  • Avoid extra flushes in the toilets.

  • Do not water the plants between 11 am to 4 pm, as the water will evaporate.

  • Plant native or drought-tolerant plants. Group plants based on water needs.

Do not waste water just because someone else is paying, such as in hotels and Do 1 thing Every day that saves water. Encourage your friends, neighbors and co-workers to do their part.

Water Scarcity In India

Make "Water Conservation" compulsory in all buildings, apartments. Privatize "Water Management" systems which will bring in more efficiency. Spread awareness about the potential problems arising due to water scarcity. I think this is more an awareness issue. There is attitude which has to be eradicated. For this each one can take steps by spreading awareness among friends, relatives and neighborhood.

Apart from the ideas mentioned initiatives need to be taken for Rainwater harvesting at the village level. Ponds need to be created and they need to be maintained. A lot of water is rendered useless because its polluted.

Lot of awareness needs to be spread at village level. A lot of awareness needs to be spread in young students who are more receptive.

Those who wish to protect environment of India they have to concentrate on political pressure groups. Present laws, constitution, administration network, awareness is quiet enough to protect our environment, animals, water sources and pollution controls. People seating in ministries are not fool they know about environment. Problems are in willingness and decision making.

With Our whole country reeling under a ubiquitous water crisis, we must spread awareness about how this problem could be contained. For that, we ourselves have to know how to deal with it. People in India have no care as to whether they save water or not. Simple steps like turning water off while brushing or shaving, cleaning of porches and balconies with buckets of water rather than running hoses, cleaning cars with bucket water than running hoses etc.

Each part of the chain worsens the water problem. No single way to stop this exists. Everybody from individuals to companies to politicians should stricken up. Otherwise we're looking at water wars real soon. This is not a one day problem; this is not even one city or village problem.

People in our country give damn for this have any one constructed their house with few pot hole for rain water harvesting or the villagers have removed the silt form their ponds without waiting for the Government to come and help had they used drip irrigation and sprinklers or the people in the city have have disposed their waste properly without disposing them on roads and open spaces which is the major obstruction for the water to get sunk into ground. If they have prevented the rapid decline of water table by not exploiting it by bring well (especially commercial use).

Save Water Save The Planet

Water is the most valuable resource of nature. It is a endless creation by god so people don’t take care of this matter. As a result crisis of water become one of the most important issue. Desperately using of water is a bad sign for the world. There are many areas in the world where people don’t get their drinking water properly. The beauty of nature effecting by this problem. So we have to use the water as much we need without wasting. While shaving or washing your face doesn’t let water run.


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Happy Navrathri

Happy Navarathri

Navaratri is a Hindu festival dedicated to the Goddess Durga. The word Navaratri means ‘nine nights’ in Sanskrit,It is nine nights & ten days festival and each day different form of Devi are worshipped. This year Navratri which begins on October 1 and will continue till October 10, with 11th Day being Dasara.

It is also known as the Maha Navratri and the most important one. Navratri is an important major festival and is celebrated all over India and Nepal. Devotees keep rigorous fast for those days and spend their time in worshipping various forms of Shakti. The celebrations include amazing events like the famous Mysore Dasara processions, Garba Raas, Dandiya and much more. Women also follow one old tradition wherein they wear those colors which are worn to worship Goddess Durga.

May this Navratri brighten up your life With joy, wealth, and good health.

Wishing you a happy Navratri.


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